What is Lean Management and how do you work lean?

In today’s competitive market, achieving efficiency and reducing waste are paramount for any business aiming to thrive. Lean management, a methodology rooted in maximizing value and minimizing waste, offers a pathway to operational excellence. Originating from the Toyota Production System, its principles are universally applicable, from manufacturing to services. Here, we delve into what lean management entails, its core principles, and how igus®’ readychain® and readycable® can be instrumental in your lean journey.


What Is Lean Management?


Lean management is not merely a set of tools or processes but a philosophical approach to business operations. It emphasizes doing more with less—less time, inventory, space, labour, and investment—focusing on streamlining the value chain to eliminate all forms of waste and thus enhance productivity. This strategic approach involves a thorough examination and continuous improvement of business processes, aiming to create a synchronized workflow that yields a comprehensive, waste-free production system.


The Origins and Evolution of Lean Management


The concept of lean management traces back to the automotive industry of the 1930s when Toyota introduced the Toyota Production System (TPS) to combat raw material scarcity and inefficiencies. This system's success has made it a model for lean management practices worldwide, applicable across various industries to improve quality, reduce costs, and increase overall customer satisfaction.


Identifying and Eliminating Waste: The 7 Types

Lean management pinpoints seven primary types of waste to be eliminated or minimized:

1. Overproduction

2. Excess Inventory

3. Unnecessary Transportation

4. Waiting Times

5. Unnecessary Movement

6. Inadequate instruments/methods

7. Defects


By recognizing and addressing these wastes, companies can significantly enhance their operational efficiency.


The Five Pillars of Lean Management


  1. Value Definition from the Customer's Perspective: The cornerstone of lean management is understanding and delivering exactly what the customer values. This principle emphasizes tailoring products and services to meet the specific needs and expectations of customers. The aim is to ensure that every aspect of the product aligns with what the customer deems valuable, guiding production planning and execution.
  2. Value Stream Analysis: This principle involves a detailed examination of every step in the production process, identifying each action's contribution to the overall value chain. By dissecting processes into smaller components, organizations can pinpoint inefficiencies and areas where value is not being added. The ultimate goal is to streamline these processes so that they are fully synchronized with the value stream, enhancing flow and eliminating waste.
  3. Flow Principle Implementation: Ensuring a seamless, uninterrupted flow of processes is crucial for minimizing waste. This principle focuses on organizing production steps in a coherent sequence that allows for smooth progression without delays or bottlenecks. It encourages a systematic approach to production where steps are either executed in parallel or in a well-planned sequence, facilitating a continuous flow of value.
  4. Pull Principle Introduction: Unlike traditional production models that push products through the production line regardless of demand, the pull principle advocates for producing in response to actual demand. This approach aims to eliminate excess inventory and reduce waiting times by synchronizing production with customer requirements, ensuring that products are made just in time for delivery.
  5. Continuous Improvement: Lean management is an ongoing journey towards perfection, where the status quo is always challenged, and opportunities for improvement are actively pursued. This principle is about fostering a culture of continuous, incremental improvement, where every employee is engaged in the process of identifying and implementing ways to enhance efficiency, reduce waste, and improve quality and customer satisfaction.


These principles guide businesses in continuously optimizing processes to better serve customer needs while minimizing waste.


Incorporating Lean with igus® Solutions


igus® aligns perfectly with lean management principles through its innovative products like readychain® and readycable®. These solutions exemplify lean practices in action, offering pre-assembled cables and energy chains designed to streamline production processes, reduce waste, and enhance efficiency:

1.       Reduce Overproduction: Overproduction is a common form of waste in manufacturing, leading to excess inventory and increased costs. igus addresses this issue directly with custom tailored solution, specialised in custom-engineered solutions tailored to specific application requirements. This precision in design ensures that customers receive energy chains that perfectly fit their needs without the surplus that often results into waste.

2.       Minimize Inventory: High inventory levels tie up capital and space, leading to inefficiencies and increased operational costs.  igus® directly confronts this challenge with its innovative readychain® solutions, transforming traditional inventory management through its plug-and-play design. The design eliminates the need for extensive inventories of separate components by offering a pre-assembled solution that's ready for immediate use. The result is a dramatic reduction in the inventory of cables, e-chains®, and connectors, freeing up capital and space for more strategic uses.

3.       Cut Down on Transportation: The challenge of transportation in manufacturing and supply chains is multifaceted, involving not just the logistical costs but also the complexity and environmental impact of managing multiple transport routes for various components. igus® addresses this challenge head-on with its innovative energy chains, offering a holistic solution that simplifies transportation by providing a complete system from a single source.

4.       Eliminate Waiting: In the fast-paced world of manufacturing and production, time is a commodity as valuable as any physical resource. Waiting times, particularly during the assembly and integration of energy chain systems, can significantly bottleneck operations, leading to increased lead times and reduced efficiency. The assembly of complete energy chain systems, a process that traditionally extends over several days, is revolutionized by readychain®. With igus®, the protracted waiting period is condensed, ensuring that complete systems are prepared and ready for dispatch to almost any global location within 10 days of the confirmed order.

5.       Optimize Motion:  igus® revolutionizes operational workflows in manufacturing and production with its readychain® system, addressing the complexity of traditional procurement, project planning, and implementation processes. By offering a unified procurement strategy—encompassing one order, one invoice, one delivery, and one partner—igus® dramatically simplifies the supply chain, leading to a 75% reduction in the number of suppliers and orders. This streamlined approach not only reduces administrative burdens but also enhances operational efficiency by minimizing logistical complexities.

6.       Improve Processes:  igus® directly addresses the need for process improvement in manufacturing and production environments with its readychain® systems, designed for immediate integration. These ready-to-install solutions significantly reduces assembly interruptions and streamlining the transition from delivery to operation. The essence of the readychain® offering lies in its delivery condition, which is meticulously prepared to ensure seamless in-house transport and installation, facilitating a smooth material flow that is critical for efficient operations.

7.       Ensure Quality: igus® sets the industry standard for reducing defects and ensuring the reliability of its readychain® systems through comprehensive quality assurance measures. Every component of the readychain® system undergoes rigorous quality checks and functional testing to minimize machine downtimes and enhance operational reliability. The igus® laboratory plays a pivotal role in maintaining these high standards, where over 2000 tests are conducted annually on e-chains® and cables. This exhaustive testing regimen is a testament to igus®' dedication to product excellence and reliability.


For more information on how igus® supports lean practices with readychain® and readycable®, visit our website.



